Á¦      ¸ñ: Genesis  Ã¢¼¼±â 29; 21 -  35
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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏÀÚ: 2014.01.10 - 05:06
21.  ¾ß°öÀÌ ¶ó¹Ý¿¡°Ô À̸£µÇ ³» ±âÇÑÀÌ Ã¡À¸´Ï ³» ¾Æ³»¸¦ ³»°Ô ÁÖ¼Ò¼­ ³»°¡ ±×¿¡°Ô µé¾î°¡°Ú³ªÀÌ´Ù
     Then Jacob said to Laban, "Give me my wife. My time is completed, and I want to lie with her."
22.  ¶ó¹ÝÀÌ ±× °÷ »ç¶÷À» ´Ù ¸ð¾Æ ÀÜÄ¡ÇÏ°í
     So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast.
23.  Àú³á¿¡ ±×ÀÇ µþ ·¹¾Æ¸¦ ¾ß°ö¿¡°Ô·Î µ¥·Á°¡¸Å ¾ß°öÀÌ ±×¿¡°Ô·Î µé¾î°¡´Ï¶ó
     But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob, and Jacog lay with her.
24.  ¶ó¹ÝÀÌ ¶Ç ±×ÀÇ ¿©Á¾ ½Ç¹Ù¸¦ ±×ÀÇ µþ ·¹¾Æ°Ô°Ô ½Ã³à·Î ÁÖ¾ú´õ¶ó
     And Laban gave his servant girl Zilpah to his daughter as her maidservant.
25.  ¾ß°öÀÌ ¾Æħ¿¡ º¸´Ï ·¹¾Æ¶ó ¶ó¹Ý¿¡°Ô À̸£µÇ ¿Ü»ïÃÌÀÌ ¾îÂîÇÏ¿© ³»°Ô ÀÌ°°ÀÌ ÇàÇϼ̳ªÀÌ±î ³»°¡ ¶óÇïÀ» À§ÇÏ¿© ¿Ü»ïÃÌÀ» ¼¶±âÁö ¾Æ´ÏÇÏ¿´³ªÀÌ±î ¿Ü»ïÃÌÀÌ ³ª¸¦ ¼ÓÀ̽ÉÀº ¾îÂîµÊÀÌ´ÏÀ̱î
     When morning came, there was Leah! So Jacob said to Laban, " What is this you have done to me? I served you for Rachel, didn't I? Why have you deceived me?"
26.  ¶ó¹ÝÀÌ À̸£µÇ ¾ð´Ïº¸´Ù ¾Æ¿ì¸¦ ¸ÕÀú ÁÖ´Â °ÍÀº ¿ì¸® Áö¹æ¿¡¼­ ÇÏÁö ¾Æ´ÏÇÏ´Â ¹ÙÀ̶ó
     Laban replied, "It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one.
27.  À̸¦ À§ÇÏ¿© Ä¥ ÀÏÀ» ä¿ì¶ó ¿ì¸®°¡ ±×µµ ³×°Ô ÁÖ¸®´Ï ³×°¡ ¶Ç ³ª¸¦ Ä¥  ³â µ¿¾È ¼¶±æÁö´Ï¶ó
     Finish this daughter's bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work."
28.  ¾ß°öÀÌ ±×´ë·Î ÇÏ¿© ÀÏÀ» ä¿ì¸Å ¶ó¹ÝÀÌ µþ ¶óÇïµµ ±×¿¡°Ô ¾Æ³»·Î ÁÖ°í
      And Jacob did so. He finished the week withe Leah, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife.
29.  ¶ó¹ÝÀÌ ¶Ç ±×ÀÇ ¿©Á¾ ºôÇϸ¦ ±×ÀÇ µþ ¶óÇï¿¡°Ô ÁÖ¾î ½Ã³à°¡ µÇ°ÔÇϸÅ
     Laban gave his servant girl Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her maidservant.
30.  ¾ß°öÀÌ ¶ÇÇÑ ¶óÇï¿¡°Ô·Î µé¾î°¬°í ±×°¡ ·¹¾Æº¸´Ù ¶óÇïÀ» ´õ »ç¶ûÇÏ¿© ´Ù½Ã Ä¥ ³â µ¿¾È ¶ó¹ÝÀ» ¼¶°å´õ¶ó
     Jacob lay with Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah. And he worked for Laban another seven years.
31.  ¿©È£¿Í²²¼­ ·¹¾Æ°¡ »ç¶û ¹ÞÁö ¸øÇÔÀ» º¸½Ã°í ±×ÀÇ Å¸¦ ¿©¼ÌÀ¸³ª ¶óÇïÀº Àڳడ ¾ø¾ú´õ¶ó
     When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he opened womb, but Rachel was barren.
32.  ·¹¾Æ°¡ ÀÓ½ÅÇÏ¿© ¾ÆµéÀ» ³º°í ±× À̸§À» ¸£¿ìº¥À̶ó ÇÏ¿© À̸£µÇ ¿©È£¿Í²²¼­ ³ªÀÇ ±«·Î¿òÀ» µ¹º¸¼ÌÀ¸´Ï ÀÌÁ¦´Â ³» ³²ÆíÀÌ ³ª¸¦ »ç¶ûÇϸ®·Î´Ù ÇÏ¿´´õ¶ó
     Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, "It is because the LORD has seen my misery.
33.  ±×°¡ ´Ù½Ã ÀÓ½ÅÇÏ¿© ¾ÆµéÀ» ³º°í À̸£µÇ ¿©È£¿Í²²¼­ ³»°¡ »ç¶ûÀ» ¹ÞÁö ¸øÇÔÀ» µéÀ¸¼ÌÀ¸¹Ç·Î ³»°Ô ÀÌ ¾Æµéµµ Á̵ּµ´Ù ÇÏ°í ±×ÀÇ À̸§À» ½Ã¹Ç¿ÂÀ̶ó ÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç
     She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son  she said, "Because the LORD heard that i am not loved, he gave me this one too." So she named him Simeon.
34.  ±×°¡ ¶Ç ÀÓ½ÅÇÏ¿© ¾ÆµéÀ» ³º°í À̸£µÇ ³»°¡ ±×¿¡°Ô ¼¼ ¾ÆµéÀ» ³º¾ÒÀ¸´Ï ³» ³²ÆíÀÌ Áö±ÝºÎÅÍ ³ª¿Í ¿¬ÇÕÇϸ®·Î´Ù ÇÏ°í ±×ÀÇ À̸§À» ·¹À§¶ó ÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç
     Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons."  So he was named Levi.
35.  ±×°¡ ¶Ç ÀÓ½ÅÇÏ¿© ¾ÆµéÀ» ³º°í À̸£µÇ ³»°¡ ÀÌÁ¦´Â ¿©È£¿Í¸¦ Âù¼ÛÇϸ®·Î´Ù ÇÏ°í ÀÌ·Î ¸»¹Ì¾Ï¾Æ ±×°¡ ±×ÀÇ À̸§À» À¯´Ù¶ó ÇÏ¿´°í ±×ÀÇ Ãâ»êÀÌ ¸ØÃß¾ú´õ¶ó
     She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "This time I will praise the LORD." So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.