Á¦      ¸ñ: Genesis  Ã¢¼¼±â 24;  41 - 45
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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏÀÚ: 2013.12.10 - 16:21
41.  ³×°¡ ³» Á·¼Ó¿¡°Ô À̸¦ ¶§¿¡´Â ³×°¡ ³» ¸Í¼¼¿Í »ó°üÀÌ ¾øÀ¸¸®¶ó ¸¸ÀÏ ±×µéÀÌ ³×°Ô ÁÖÁö ¾Æ´ÏÇÒÁö¶óµµ ³×°¡ ³» ¸Í¼¼¿Í »ó°üÀÌ ¾øÀ¸¸®¶ó ÇϽñâ·Î
     Then, when you go to my clan, you will be released from my oath even if they refuse to give her to you- you will be released from my oath.'
42.  ³»°¡ ¿À´Ã ¿ì¹°¿¡ À̸£·¯ ¸»Çϱ⸦ ³» ÁÖÀÎ ¾Æºê¶óÇÔÀÇ Çϳª´Ô ¿©È£¿Í¿© ¸¸ÀÏ ³»°¡ ÇàÇÏ´Â ±æ¿¡ ÇüÅëÇÔÀ» ÁÖ½ÇÁø´ë
     "When I came to the spring today, I said, 'O  LORD, God of my master Abraham, if you will, please grant success to the journey on which  I have come
43.  ³»°¡ ÀÌ ¿ì¹° °ç¿¡ ¼­ ÀÖ´Ù°¡ ÀþÀº ¿©ÀÚ°¡ ¹°À» ±æÀ¸·¯ ¿À°Åµç ³»°¡ ±×¿¡°Ô ûÇϱ⸦ ³Ê´Â ¹°µ¿ÀÌÀÇ ¹°À» ³»°Ô Á¶±Ý ¸¶½Ã°Ô Ç϶ó ÇÏ¿©
     See, I am standing beside this spring; if a maiden comes out to draw water and I say to her, "Please let me drink a little water from your jar,"
44.  ±×ÀÇ ´ë´äÀÌ ´ç½ÅÀº ¸¶½Ã¶ó ³»°¡ ¶Ç ´ç½ÅÀÇ ³«Å¸¸¦ À§ÇÏ¿©µµ ±æÀ¸¸®¶ó ÇÏ¸é ±× ¿©ÀÚ´Â ¿©È£¿Í²²¼­ ³» ÁÖÀÎÀÇ ¾ÆµéÀ» À§ÇÏ¿© Á¤ÇÏ¿© ÁֽŠÀÚ°¡ µÇ¸®ÀÌ´Ù Çϸç
     and if she says to me, "Drink, and I'll draw water for your camels too," let her be the one the LORD has chosen for my master's son.'
45.  ³»°¡ ¸¶À½¼ÓÀ¸·Î ¸»Çϱ⸦ ¸¶Ä¡±âµµ Àü¿¡ ¸®ºê°¡°¡ ¹°µ¿À̸¦ ¾î±ú¿¡ ¸Þ°í ³ª¿Í¼­ ¿ì¹°·Î ³»·Á¿Í ±å±â·Î ³»°¡ ±×¿¡°Ô À̸£±â¸¦ ûÇÏ°Ç´ë ³»°Ô ¸¶½Ã°Ô Ç϶ó ÇÑÁï
     "Before I finished praying in my heart, Rebekah came out, with her jar on her shoulder. She went down to the spring and drew water, and I said to her, 'Please give me a drink.'